I really wanted a party beside me that said: this is what we’re going to do!

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Multiplying a turnover of 400,000 euros to more than 4 million euros in 6.5 years: Tom Kleizen likes to follow through. As Managing Director and Partner, he is at the helm of both Siebert & Wassink and Ventiv Engineers. “We really chose a clear focus.”

In 2017, when Tom became Managing Director of Siebert & Wassink in Hengelo, it was a company specialising in exclusive recruitment and selection processes. After 17 years, owners Joris Wassink and Johan Siebert were looking for someone who could grow the company. At the time, Tom wanted to start doing business, but not on his own. He got into a discussion with Joris and Johan: “They literally said: ‘We are not the right people to make this company big. Would you like to join us for a year and then maybe buy into the business?’” Generating growth is something that appeals to Tom, but not from the sidelines. “I said: we’re not going to do that. I want to become a fully-fledged partner right away. And that’s what happened.”

Handbrake on 

It really happened. From only seven employees and a turnover of 600,000 euros, Siebert & Wassink, under the leadership of Tom, grew into a company with 25 employees and a turnover of more than four million euros. An impressive achievement, although that sometimes feels different for Tom: “For me, it always felt like we were growing with the handbrake on. Things actually happened quite effortlessly.”

We have always grown with the handbrake on
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Tom Kleizen

He has more ambitions. “I studied mechanical engineering and technical business administration and have worked in that world for a long time and also know how things work. I always said: ‘If S&W remains stable after my entry, I want to set up my own engineering company.’” Ventiv Engineers was born in 2018. From his office at S&W, Tom looks straight at the Ventiv office across the road: “We have been in operation for five years and now have a group of 108 people.” The companies also strengthen each other. “At Siebert & Wassink, we have a whole range of training and coaching programmes. Our people there have started training Ventiv Engineers staff, for example in the areas of communication skills, decisiveness, sales engineering and project management. We see more and more synergies emerging and notice in the market that S&W and Ventiv are doing very well. We are able to broaden our services to the customer and offer more.”

Going full throttle 

Both companies continue to grow rapidly, but Tom lacks a sparring partner to take the next step. “With S&W we are now in Apeldoorn and Hengelo, with Ventiv in Hengelo and Arnhem. The plan is to open branches for both companies in both Zwolle and Amersfoort and to close Apeldoorn.” In early 2023, he went to look for an investor. “I wanted a strategic partnership so I could act at a higher level myself. Someone next to me who could take the company to the next step.” Tom had discussions with multiple investors, but there was an immediate click with Quadrum. “That was actually already clear within three minutes”, he laughs. “Other investors may have offered more money, but I didn’t see it that way.” Finally, he can go full throttle. “I was really looking for someone who said: ‘If you want to go to Zwolle, we’ll do it now.’ On your own, you are less likely to take such a step, but with a party like Quadrum, that really feels good.”


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