Second Closing for QIF II Fund

13 december 2018  •  1 min

Almelo - Amsterdam. On the 20th of December, the second closing for our Quadrum Investment Fund II will take place in Amsterdam. Earlier this year, in July, the first successful closing for the fund took place, with commitments totaling over 42 million euros. At this closing, commitments totaling over 24 million euros will be signed. Two investments have already been realized. TLS and MATCO (Waalwijk en Deventer) and Sepa Green (Enschede) are partners with whom we aim to grow in the coming years. 

The final closing will take place early in 2019. So you can still get involved. If you would like more information about QIF II, we would me happy to arrange a meeting with you. Please email us at [email protected] or call one of our partners.

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